Friday, August 2, 2013

ohoiiiiikkk! *judul gak jelas*

Another update:

There’re few things finalized for wedding preparation:
1.       Invitation : yeay! Finally sudah dideliver loh sama vendornya kemarin, tapi gw cuman 80% happy -_-“. Gw ini rada perfeksionis dan sangat ngeh kalau ada hal yg tidak simetris. Dan problemnya adalah kita merasa cetakan undangannya ga centric tp rasa skew ke kiri. Even model dan printingnya rapih, gw terganggu huhuhu… Tapi sudahlah, meremin mata aja..
2.       Honeymoon hotel : setelah kita pending-kan booking utk hotel di Bali, kita finally book 2nd villa J Horee… seperti post sebelumnya, kita decide untuk honeymoon di Bali selama 5D/4N. Untuk 2N pertama, kita sudah booked villa di Astana Kunti, dan kita keep 2N terakhir di saat2 menjelang merit. Tau dong kenapa kita begitu? Karena kita mau liat sisa budget kita berapa hihihi… kalau budget tipker, kita decide modest hotel room, kalau kita kayo, kita mau banget milih antara The Bale atau Alila Uluwatu hehe. Setelah most budgeting beres utk wedding day dan renovasi, kita memutuskan, kita ada sisa dana! Yeaaay!! Pas banget di pameran JWF kemarin, The Bale offer paket yg bagus banget a.k.a 1 mio cheaper + free upgrade delux atau 60 mins couple spa. So The Bale it is!
3.       Kanonik : yeaay!! Sudah selesai loh, kita juga sudah meminta Romo MBK untuk menjadi Romo yg memberkati kalau tidak berhalangan. Makasih untuk inputnya ya Romo, maafkan kalau kita-kita ini agak lemot dalam menjawab pertanyaan haha…

Dan… hari ini rasanya hari terakhir sebelum Jakarta akan lengang dan off-beat selama 1 minggu kedepan. Yihaa!! Sebagai anak baru, gw bakal duduk di kantor dong -_-. Plus, bakal sendirian di kantor selama 2 minggu kedepan karena team mate gw akan berkelana. Hadooo… rambut botak karena stress!!! Belom jerawatan aja nih.

Please give me more brain!


Saturday, July 27, 2013

A change of plan

Sabtu kemarin, kita pergi ke pertemuan antara gereja Regina caeli dengan 4 pasang pengantin yg akan merit berbarengan. 1 pasang di hari jumat, 3 pasang di sabtu dan 2 pasang yg merit di hari minggu. Total 6 pasang. Nah bingung kan kenapa gw blg kita ketemuan sama 4 pasang lain, bukannya 5? Nah,  ternyata,  pasangan yg merit hari sabtujam 10 pagi, batal sodara-sodara!!

Pertama-tama, we are sorry that you cancelled your wedding, tp kita happy bisa pinda ke jam 10 instead of jam 2. Berhubung pasangan itu belum menyerahkan surat pembatalan, jadi kemungkinan kita pindah masih 90 persen.

Yg kita lupa adalah, undangan uda naik cetak!! Hahaha. Tp gapapalah, gw rela pake sticker di undangan drpd kebaktian jam 2 sore. Yg panik malah tukang Undangan nya haha.

2nd great thing is,  biaya dekor gereja gw murah sekali loh. 700rb salah!!  bahagia.

Ini jurusnya pake mobile phone nih, jadi susah ketik. Lanjut nanti2 lagi ya.  But most important thing is, God has been great and showing His kindness and awesomeness. So I Thank You, God.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

another wedding update

Hari ini adalah 66 hari sebelum hari H! Thoeng! Dan progress persiapan weddingnya sungguh sangat mengenaskan. Kalau ditanya-tanya, gw ga tau sih kurangnya apa, tapi gw yakin pasti buanyak printilan yg belum diurusin.

Beberapa deadline terdekat adalah:

·         Jumlah tamu masih kira-kira : yg paling memusingkan adalah jumlah tamu orang tua yg selalu menjawab dengan kira-kira X undangan. Tetiba merasa kuatir, kira-kira nya seakurat apa ya makk? Tapi sejujurnya pun, undangan gw belom final karena opis baru thingy ini haha

·         Souvenir yg mendadak diminta berubah. Lessons learned, kalau ada doubt ttg souvenir wedding (e.g. souvenir warna hitam, ada jarum/benda yg agak tajam, etc), mendingan jangan diambil deh. Di case kita, mertua setuju2, eh di saat2 terakhir minta berubah

·         Kanonik – wuaaa… masi ganti2 nih saksi kanoniknya

·         Misa related : Buku Misa, Lagu Misa, saksi gereja  dan dekorasi misa – beberapa harus menunggu kanonik selesai baru bisa dikerjakan

·         Tea-pai related : Pengaturan venue dan schedule untuk tea-pai. Karena jadwal misa kita sangat cantik waktunya (which is jam 2 sore), banyak schedule kita yg jadi sulit diatur. Idealnya tea-pai dilakukan 1-2 jam sebelum resepsi jadi tidak merepotkan banyak keluarga, tp karena misa selesai jam 4, semua jadi kalang kabut. Plus, hotel yg dijanjikan selesai di sept 2013, tak kunjung selesai, jadinya option untuk tea-pai di hotel di pagi hari juga musnah. Huk huk…

·         Resepsi-related : Dekorasi resepsi, daftar lagu, rundown (btw, WO ayok mulai kerja yukkk), daftar para greeter, flower girl (mau atau engga), beli vocher utk pemenang tangkap bunga (detil printil tp perlu dipusingin juga), VIP table setup, catering stall, bla bla bla

Wuaaaahhh.. keknya banyak yg belom yah #Pengsan#

Mari kita kerja :)

Reason of not blogging recently

Wondering the slow blog update? Here’s why J

Today is day number 8 in new office and how I feel now? Mixed!

Culture wise, it is a very different between new and old office. There’s always a plus and minus. For the plus side, I learned a lot of new thing and these are very valuable learning in life. My boss seems to be a very good boss, although I can see how high he put his expectation on this role. So, I’d say that’s the not-so-comfortable one. This is a damn fine organization and I’d say a truly multi-national company.

The less comfortable part, of course, is when you used to know who/where to go in old office, but now it seems that all the connections you once had is now disappear and you start brand new day, as a stranger in a new place.

To add up, this organization is a very independent organization where people seems to walk alone, focus on work, not so much into social and relationship. While in the old office, our bond encompass office, family and personal relationship. Well, things has changed for me and I have to realize that it is always different elsewhere.

I once told my colleague during my in-between job period, “Mbak, surprisingly I don’t feel nervous of joining to a new company” and I contemplated her reply “Well, when I was in your position, I didn’t too. But you will feel nervous once you are in the company for the first weeks to months, coz it is where you start to feel that you no longer have the power and connections you used to have”. You are definitely right, mbak.

Definitely it is not comfortable when you do 2 major events in life at the same time, moving to new office and getting married. The one that need to sacrifice now is the marriage, as for me now, marriage is just another event that is less occupying my mind now. I know I shouldn’t do that, but I have no choice. Because I simply can imagine what and how to prepare a wedding, but I am still in dark and struggling to find a way to cup to a new job in new industry.

A lot of anxiety, huh? I can’t help it, but this is how I feel now.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Last day in office

Well, as much as I can say, it was surreal. It's just funny to think that at some lowest point of your days in office, resignation seems to be an oasis in the dessert.. But when the day finally came, all the bad memory disappeared and only the good memory lasts. And something you have been waiting for, doesn't seems to matter anymore.

Looking back to my working experience, this company is my all. This is the first company I ever joined since graduate. This is a company which I murmured about but at the same time, I admired. Simple, this is the company who has taught a youngling like me, from a stupid graduate that knows very little of professionalism, know very little english, zero experience except being a tutor for a few months to who I am today. This company has taught me what is the meaning of patience in developing your employee. I made an awful lots of mistakes but opportunities were still being given.

I always wanted a living/working/studying abroad experience, but my financial didn't allow me to do so. Joining this company as a "common" employee seemed to have killed my hope for international experience. But, who knows that chance still being offered to me. All in all, I owe a lot to this company. I can only hope that I returned their favor while I am with them. I take this company as my own, as bible said "Work as if you are working for God".

A lot of great friends I met, friends who accepts you as who you are, with all the weaknesses and strength. That's the most excitement in life, finding a good friend is like finding a gem of life. I thank you for who you are, friends. Keep up the stupidity!

However, life must go on. I have decided to embrace a new world to see how far can I go.

Now that all decision has been made, I pray that God shall be with me, yesterday, today and tomorrow. and be with you too!

Mellow mode.

Cheers, Cathy

Sunday, June 30, 2013

It's July!

Hello hello, the promise to blog in the next few days, turned out to be 12 days haha.

ada beberapa happening yg terjadi related ke wedding preparation sih, sekalian gua kasi review so far untuk para vendor2 tercinta. tsk tsk.. lebay kali.

Undangan - I-Creation.
Akhirnya hari ini kita sudah approve sample untuk undangannya. Lega... Jadi prosesnya adalah, setelah deal dan mulai mendekati hari H nya, kita akan diminta mengisi form berisi data2 yg akan tertera di undangan. Setelah itu dia akan kasih soft copy untuk di-cek. Setelah soft copy beres, i-creation akan kirim sample undangan untuk dicek sekali lagi. Sample itu bener sample kasar ya, jangan ngarepin undangan yg uda rapih gitu. Awalnya gw sempet kaget, kok berantakan haha. Ternyata sample memang belum rapih, karena mereka hanya bisa print embos dan beludru saat final produksi aja. All in all, sangat happy sama undangannya. i-creation bener2 bagus loh. Si PIC i-creation, Heru, juga responsif banget.

Butuh 1 bulan dari confirm sample sampai dikirim semua undangannya. Can't wait. Berbekal rasa kuatir undangan ga cukup, akhirnya kita nambah 75 pcs mendadak. Sekarang gua jadi bingung, aturan jumlah undangan sebenernya bagaimana ya.

Sneak peek undangan :)

Souvenir - Gimmix
Setelah ga ada pergerakan selama berbulan-bulan, akhirnya kmrn kita minta tolong Gimmix untuk start produksi, khususnya design tag untuk souvenir yg berupa luggage tag + sewing kit itu. Gua happy sama designnya sik. Dan seperti kasus parno di undangan, hal yg sama terjadi di souvenir. Kita mendadak add 50 pcs. Aslikk... Makin bingung deh gw sebenernya gimana sih metode kalkukasi undangan dan suvenir yg benerrr...

Ini sneak peak tag nya, kita milih yg paris theme. Gw suka sik. Baik banget ya si Gimmix mau design-in. Undangan dan souvenir gw beda tema, I know. Gimmix bantu design yg mirip sama undangan sih, cuman menurut gw terlalu suram kalo biru tua lagi hehe.. Bodo ahh..


Catering - Adhika
Kemarin sabtu, adhika ngadain test food di Empo kebetulan karena mereka juga lagi ada wedding di Empo dimana mereka jadi caterer nya. Kemarin kita ajak bokap nyokap gw untuk mengetes makanannya. Syukurlah mereka suka. Hasil dari test food kemarin banyak mengubah susunan menu kita di prasmanan dan di stall. Dan sayangnya banyak yg akhirnya malah jadi nambah (-_-) tolooong.

Dari diskusi kita dengan pemilik catering, dia banyak memberi masukan sih untuk pengaturan jenis makan dan porsi makanan. Beberapa poin penting adalah :
  1. Makanan harus menuruti selera tamu, bukan selera si pengantin dan keluarga. Dhoeenggg (-_-).. Harus diukur siapa mayoritas tamunya, dilihat dari umur, daerah asal, etc
  2. Makanan prasmanan itu harus dibikin variasi rasa supaya ga keblenger tamunya. Contohnya :  ayam manis, ikan gurih, daging pedas. Jangan ayam manis, ikan manis, daging manis. Alhasil tamunya enegh duluan hahaha.
  3. Porsi prasmanan : hukumnya adalah stall selalu habis paling cepat dan tamu lumrah kalau stall habis. Tapi kalau prasmanan habis, itu keterlaluan. hahaha..
  4. Kalau concern budget, banyakin porsi prasmanan (70:30), kalau concern service dan mau yg terbaik buat tamu, banyakin stall. Stall itu aturannya kan untuk 1 tamu, mereka bisa consume 4-5 stall, jadi pastinya jauh lebih mahal
  5. Stall sebaiknya ada 2 item yg berat, seperti nasi dan kuah (soto, mie, dan teman2nya). Kalau stall isinya bebek peking, kambing guling, sate, itu semua hanya snack. Tamu pasti akan nambah terus dan akhirnya, berapapun stall yg ada, tidak akan pernah cukup. Untuk mengakali, selalu tambahkan lontong hahaha.
  6. Nah, kalau yg ini aku belajar dari wedding banquet Ritz Carlton, untuk penyusunan urutan buffet pun ada aturannya, untuk menu udang, lobster, yg mahal2, diatur paling belakang setelah nasi, sayur, ikan, etc. Karena kalau udang didepan, yg ada tamu akan makan udang 5 ekor, abis itu ga makan sayur lainnya #LOL
Lucu2 yah teryata menangani tamu ini. semua ada seni dan psikologinya...

Souvenir Teapai
Nah untuk not-so-major-item ini, gw juga ga tau darimana hukummya ada souvenir tepai sih. Tapi kayanya ini kebiasaan turun temurun di keluarga untuk mengembalikan handuk ke para senior2 yg sudah menguras air mata untuk memberikan emas/uang/berlian/rumah (ngarep) saat tepai. hahaha... handuk untuk me-lap air mata.

Kemaren ini pas browsing di kaskus, aku nemu penjual handuk terry palmer yg jual cukup murah dibanding dengan di Metro. Ya iya laaaahhh bandingin di Metro haha.. Ya sudahlah aku beli..haha..

Mudah2an 50x100 cm ga kekecilan ya om tante, papa mama. Maap, budget terbatas hihihi.

sekian untuk hari ini, panjang kaaaaaan? #bangga

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Random Post!

Hey Hey...

Since I am so lazy right now and have tons of random thoughts in mind, I am thinking to write. And the "great" thing is that I don't even have a topic! so, I will just follow my free mind.

I decided to write this blog in english because suddenly I realized how poor my english is, in both vocabulary, grammar including the structure of it.

I had a discussion with my colleague this morning about the handover of my tasks to my (poor) successor. At some point, we have to talk about my team and his team member in both experience, capability, attitude, potential or even, the lack of it. One of the observation that we have is, in many cases, it is not about lack of capability or lack of experience/knowledge, but the real underlying issue is the lacking of communication skill, especially when we have to use english to convey our messages.

I must admit, when you work in a company where english is equally important as Bahasa, your career is somehow can be predicted from your language skill. Sadly it is. Some people with not-so-good English skill often choose to stay silent hence their true skill/strength is never seen, some people with so-so english skill normally tries to survive, mostly survive in business related discussion, but lacking in terms of casual discussion especially high-level small talks. I considered my self as the one with so-so skill, who keep using the same (limited) vocabulary and when I have to do a small talks with my regional bosses, I suddenly turns quiet. Sometime, I don't even get the meaning of their "jokes", how can I even join the talking. Huaaaaa.. Since exposure is the 2nd most influential factor for career and promotion, there goes my career. Haha.. If I remember it right, the most influential factor is "Image".

Now, I am moving to new job that has clearly indicate that English is even becoming much more important as this new company has much more expat, so I am now having cold-feet haha. As a new joinee, I need to be more talktative, starting a small talk to introduce myself and know other colleagues, while in reality, I am a very direct in addressing my messages, instead of being politically correct.

Some real-life cases of being "not" politically correct are:

Politically correct : We have to keep them silent
Unprofessional?:p : We have to make them shut up
(Yes, you know who I am talking about, my friend *wink*)

Direct message : After company retain a person but in x months time they still choose to walk away, then "Fuck you" -> hahaha.. very improper language

I remember a situation I had when I was working in Japan where a direct message and strong feedback is not common in their culture, especially when a female (like me) giving a feedback to a male. Once, a literally smiling and confident Japanese guy was elaborating his "idea" to me in front of a few people, knowing that his "idea" is not working (trash haha) and since I'm having tons of other priority, I quickly answered "No! if you understand the system, it doesn't work that way" and I walked away. I remember a jaw dropping expression from that guy, and a Korean friend of mine came to me and told me not to be that strong in giving my feedback. haha.

Well, I regret and learned my mistake. So, I have to repeatedly remind myself to listen, give 2 seconds, and say "Well, that's an interesting idea (still trash haha), if we can add up with this XXX solution, I'm sure it will work even better *ting!!*" -> that's also means, "Hey fella, your suggestion won't work, let's use solution XXX". It's just sounds a bit better, isn't it? hahaha

Trust me, I am not that mean or aggressive in the office, but I use lots of informal words and I am not sneaking behind someone's back. and trust me, I do compliment, although not as much as I should.

So, what I am trying to do is trying to write a more structured, politically correct and simple sentences in english. And start learning new vocabulary because I can't survive with the same amount of vocabs since high school (hu hu hu).

Sorry for the boring post guys/gals :) I will try to blog more interesting and useful topics in the next few days!
