Monday, May 12, 2014

Membahas beberapa topic terkini (jiah)

Setelah sekian lama ga pernah nulis dan menyambangi blog lagi, ternyata masih ada yg baca blog aku juga J
Dan selama 2 bulan terakhir ini, udah ada beberapa hal yang terjadi, all the good and can-be-better situations. But mostly (if not all), life has been super good and we’ve been blessed beyond our imagination.

Sekarang kita baru bener-bener start enjoying married-couple with no kids life. Hidup sangat flexible dan we can do whatever we want, kecuali masalah waktu dimana suami sibuk berat. But life has been supper good, our relationship remain strong. We barely had a fight, except for classic issue : I often refuse taking a shower after a tiring day. Haha!

Finally, decision has been made on my career, well I might be a fool of moving from my current good-pay job, but I think having a passion in doing your work is very important. Nevertheless, God has been so good, whatever I lost due to my decision, is being returned, so much more, to my husband’s. So practically, we’re gaining. The excellent sacrifice we made is being returned even when we didn’t ask for it. It’s a blessing beyond our imaginations

My mom and dad have been taking turn in having light-moderate sickness. But for us, it’s more a reminder that our parents and us grow old, and that makes me feels that we have to embrace and enjoy life

Today, we can see so much hope for our future, so much blessing we never have imagined. The picture we saw before we got married is not a flowery as what we feel today. We feel so blessed.  What we want to do is simply be a blessings to the others. A small token of appreciation of God’s wonder. I hope whatever we feel right now will last for years to come, even if it’s not, His grace is enough for us.

Be Thankful! J

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