Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A few days prior D day

The feeling is… surprisingly quite calm. I was 50% sure that I am a cold-hearted person without much expression, but now I am sure 90% that I am cold-hearted. Haha! If you ask me, I never know how I hide those feeling, be it, happy, sad, nervous, anxious, I can never really feel it anymore. The only feeling that I never lost my grip at, is stress. Ha! That remains… If I traced back all the memories, say, the day I left Japan, the day I left my previous office, the day I decided to get married, also today, which is a few days prior my wedding, I feel calm. I never really find a reason to cry, be it a happy cry or sad kind of cry. It is so strange… Many times I told myself, I am not a typical girl.. in terms of I lost my sense of femininity. Oh dear… So, here we are, a couple days prior the big D, I am still working in the office and will only take my leave tomorrow. Yiha! So Happy! Finally a long-waited holiday. It’s a well-deserved holiday. I am sure why I never feel any wedding jitter is because: 1. We are both too busy at work that we never have time to think about any different kind of drama, simply, just get this done! My bf is crazy busy as well, even when he is on leave or during weekend, his phone never stops ringing. I think any other girl will dump him right away! Hahaha… You know the feeling when you and your boyfriend in a car, and whenever you start to speak, your boyfriend will pick up the phone and give you the talk to the hand sign??!!!!?! Hate hate 2. Ever since I am very young (the day I start to read those cheesy Joan Collins novel), I always be that kind of girl who hates drama. I am very sure that drama is all made up by the sensitivity of a girl (normally from a she). Of course I did made some drama with crying sometimes, but I am sure I think twice to ensure it is the real underlying issue, not solely because of what I feel or what I want (I hope you agree with me, dear bf) 3. Expectation! Expectation! Expectation! – or better put, the lack of it haha. In the beginning, I think I was very determined in portraying our wedding. However for the past few months, we only want one thing, we got married and get our long-waited vacation! Now we simply take the easiest approach, simplify everything and sadly, let money solves the issues rather than spending time! The past few weeks, the budget has been thrown under the bus. We are running wild now.. hahaha.. So trust me, 15% buffer for un-expected is not enough! Some bride-to-be often take some treatment to ensure she shine on the day, but for me? Haha, I only got facial 5 days prior, decided to get my nail done 2 days prior, taking my 1st luluran 1 day prior! All being done in last week. Even my wedding song being saved on CD only this week. Premanisme besar2an! Hahaha… Cross my fingers for the Day, wish me luck!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Wedding Gown

Hi semuanya,

akhirnya ada foto yg ku-publish di blog hehe.. biasa cuman blah blah blah aja.

Kemaren sabtu, kita ke Ritz Taipei untuk jadwal fitting pertama kali. Tapi akhirnya semua keraguan aku akan pilihan gown gw yg pertama ga bisa ditahan lagi (lebay banget). jadi kuputuskan untuk merubah gaun di ritz.

Pilihan gw jelas, mau gaun macam wedding gown-nya Grace Kelly! habisnya mukanya juga udah sama sik! #matik#. Pertimbangannya gaun seperti itu akan klasik sepanjang masa. Tapi sayangnya, di Ritz ga ada gaun seperti itu, setelah ditelaah lebih lanjut, sebenernya mereka ada tp untuk level Ritz yg artinya nambah uang nya ajubile (penghinaan terhadap kadar keuangan kita nih, tapi bener sih, gw ga rela nambah uang banyak demi gaun grace kelly) hihihi

Akhirnya setelah galau selama 45 menit dan sales nya juga uda gerah sama kombinasi kegalauan dan kepelitan gw, kita decided untuk ganti baju! modelnya cheong sam ballgown gitu. Sebenernya gw ga gimana suka sama ball gown bawahnya yg berlapis2 macam undakan. Tapi gua suka banget sama cheong sam style neckline, lace back, and beli di pinggang! tepat seperti yg gw mau.

Jadi even nambah cukup banyak, ya sudahlah. Buat apa juga gaji gede kalo ga dibelanjain? #bakarr#

ini penampakannya ya..

 sekian yaa...

btw, gw kecewa sama souvenir gw, gua ga menyalahkan vendor gw sih, gw kecewa sama gw sendiri krn memilih souvenir tanpa liat fisik dulu. Jadi ya, sudahlah, terima aja nasibnya. Lain kali ingat liat barang dulu ya, jgn liat foto di website aja :)

Friday, September 6, 2013

Update setelah sekian lama

Hallo semuahnyaa..lama tak jumpa! Uda hampir sebulan loh gw ga nulis blog lagi. Alasannya ya pastinya karan kerjaan kamfreto haha.. Beberapa minggu terakhir gw super sibuk siapin pre-season utk autumn/winter season next year.yup! I am working in a fashion industry. Tapi gw bukan bagian fashion yg kita liat di TV itu loh, gw kerja di bagian analyst kind of. So not as cool as it sounds haha.

Minggu lalu gw ke Shanghai untuk prepare strategy menghadapi season berikutnya. Nah hal-hal kaya gini membuat wedding preparation gw berantakan hehehe.. Yg parahnya, cowo gw juga lagi super sibuk. Kombinasi mematikan! Gw kasi update terbaru aja ya ttg wedding preparation gw, toh tujuan blog ini, sampe tgl gw merit at least, untuk sharing wedding preparation dan mudah2an bisa membantu calon penganten yg lain.

Pre-wedding : fotonya sudah selesai, tapi canvas dan album belom selesai. Hasilnya bagus kok. Edit nya cukup rapih dan ga merubah gw jadi Mirranda Kerr. Bridal : in less than 2 hours, gw bakal ke Ritz untuk 1st fitting. Tapi setelah ngobrol2 sama geng babu gorjes (itu nama geng ex kantor yg berisi orang2 terkeren satu company *please laaa*), gw mau ubah ah. Mana gown macam grace kelly?!??!? Mudah2an Ritz ada ya..

Nasi kotak untuk gereja : finally kita decided untuk pake Ny. hendrawan aja. Setelah masa2 keemasan lewat, harusnya semua orang uda kangen lagi sama nasi kotak ny. Hendrawan dong ya? Seriously, bbrp tahun lalu di saat jayanya dia, gw sampe eneg makan hendrawan mulu hehehe

Wedding band : aku pake aglioo olio entertainment dari Juzzon and trust me, they are GOOD, best i've ever heard so far. However, adminnya agak berantakan, krn ada yg resign, mereka kehilangan catatan ttg team mana yg sudah kita pilih. Tapi all in all, it brings an advantage, karena mendadak singer yg kita mau jdi available hehehe. Sebelumnya dia uda keburu di booked orang lain. Untuk music piece-nya, kita pilih : baby grand piano, saxophone, bass and satu lagi either violin/guitar. Terus terang gw ga ngerti gimana caranya ada 3 melody type jadi 1 (piano,violin,saxo). Tapi yah, they know better than me lah.

Sangjit : ya bagian toilettries, baju dan sepatu sih uda beres. Tinggal buah dan kaleng2 yg akan diurus pihal cowo. Cuman belom mesen makanan nih. Kayanya i'll go with nasi tumpeng beautika. Enak dan bahagia! \

Bride shoes: finally go with schutz shoes. Warna royal blue sprt tema pestanya, dan haknya 9cm sajah! Mudah2an ga membunuh ya pas hari H. Dia modelnya tali tali gitu, jadi harusnya kelingking aku ga kejepit. Oh derita cewe itu selalu di sepatu.

Tech meeting kita bakal dilakuin di hari selasa besok, dan dekor gw ga mau ikut dengan alasan : mau jemput anak sekolah. Asek! Tapi terserahlah, santai aja, kalo agak berantakan pestanya, ya itu dua nasibnya hihihi.. So far, gw happy kok sama wedding progressnya. At least gw mewujudkan pesta yg ga cheesy hihi. Itu doang harapan gw, pas anak cucu gw nanti liat pesta gw, at least mereka ga menemukan hal2 jadul dan norak. Say no to norak! But, say yes to budget! Penting itu

For you who is interested and not judging about preference and our financial ability, this might help you to know the cost for decent (quite humble) wedding in jakarta in 2013. We spent almost 300mio, but that really includes all, all as in wedding reception, honeymoon, angpao2 for everybody who helps us. That's for 550 pax of standing party.

Again, this is to help other couple preparing for their budgetting loh ya. You can always go higher or lower and its always up to each couple on how they want to decide their wedding. See ya! 3 weeks to go