Monday, May 12, 2014

Membahas beberapa topic terkini (jiah)

Setelah sekian lama ga pernah nulis dan menyambangi blog lagi, ternyata masih ada yg baca blog aku juga J
Dan selama 2 bulan terakhir ini, udah ada beberapa hal yang terjadi, all the good and can-be-better situations. But mostly (if not all), life has been super good and we’ve been blessed beyond our imagination.

Sekarang kita baru bener-bener start enjoying married-couple with no kids life. Hidup sangat flexible dan we can do whatever we want, kecuali masalah waktu dimana suami sibuk berat. But life has been supper good, our relationship remain strong. We barely had a fight, except for classic issue : I often refuse taking a shower after a tiring day. Haha!

Finally, decision has been made on my career, well I might be a fool of moving from my current good-pay job, but I think having a passion in doing your work is very important. Nevertheless, God has been so good, whatever I lost due to my decision, is being returned, so much more, to my husband’s. So practically, we’re gaining. The excellent sacrifice we made is being returned even when we didn’t ask for it. It’s a blessing beyond our imaginations

My mom and dad have been taking turn in having light-moderate sickness. But for us, it’s more a reminder that our parents and us grow old, and that makes me feels that we have to embrace and enjoy life

Today, we can see so much hope for our future, so much blessing we never have imagined. The picture we saw before we got married is not a flowery as what we feel today. We feel so blessed.  What we want to do is simply be a blessings to the others. A small token of appreciation of God’s wonder. I hope whatever we feel right now will last for years to come, even if it’s not, His grace is enough for us.

Be Thankful! J

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The passing away of a good man

People often says “Good man go to heaven early”. When I received that comment, my silly comment was “Are we that bad?”. Just to get reply “Do you want to go to heaven early?”.
It is a confusing statement that I do not buy actually. This is what I buy, I recall my priest once said “There is tomorrow because there are things that you can change and you should do in your life”.

We might never understand when will be the right time to death, especially when it is about the person you care about. But we know that we have our homework to do until the day we are ready to go to our eternal place.

This morning, I received a news of my ex-colleague passed away, alone in his room and it seems, he was gone hours before. He had heart attack. He was a good man if not a great one.
We were not super close in the past, but last time we met is when he lend me his time, his brain and his patience to teach me in preparation of my new job. It was supposed to be a tutor class with a fee, but he never accept it, he said “it had been paid off with a good chat and listened on how we inspired each other”. He was such a good friend, good listener, and good inspiration.

If rumors is right, one of the reason of the passing is the stress level at work. It should remind us that a job is just a job. It doesn’t define who we are and our life should be.

I am blessed to ever known him, and I am sure that this quote will apply to him and many of us “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21). You finished the race my friend and from what I saw, I felt, I believed and I heard, you have finished it well.

Au revoir.
Your friend.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Gong Xi Fat Choi

Happy lunar new year my friends. My first post from iphone. It is so much easier to update blog from iphone. Will update more often.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


When we were single, preparing for a wedding, we had much anxiety on what will the future hold for us. Would it be a happy ever after as in Disney movie, or some said, wedding is brighter when you’re not in that institution. I sometimes questioned, will it bring more headache and burden for us, or, rather than a simple life, a happy single life?

For us, it turns out to be a great journey. Everything turns into its places, it’s probably true when there’s a saying, the best is YET to come. Life is settling down. I guess, “knowing that whatever happens, you can always find your anchor” really helps. In life, which is your ultimate God and in everyday, your other half.

The other milestone for us to complete our life as husband and wife is of course becoming a parents. We tried not to hurry it, as wedding itself brings a lot of changes in life, we would like to take it slowly, enjoy the precious time when there’re only 2 of us. Embrace greater responsibility when the time comes. Well, somehow we try to take control of the time haha.

When I was single, I always heard my boyfriend saying that you are ready for a marriage only when:
1.       You are BORED being single
2.       You enjoyed the FULLEST of your life as marriage comes with responsibility, especially when you are a mom/dad
3.       You can ACCEPT your partner weaknesses and can LIVE it with it
4.       Accept the FACT that you can never CHANGE your partner, you can be a reason of your partner changing, but you can never be the change agent

We clearly discussed about this and we openly share when we are not comfortable yet, or we are now ready to tick mark point no. 1, 2, or 3. It takes times, first stage is controlling self, and secondly is accepting others. So, if you ask me, Sorry, I don’t believe love at the first sight. I do not believe people can get married within 3 months of knowing each other. When you do that, you are actually GAMBLE. It could turns out to be a great match made in heaven (God speed), or a complete waste of time.

Similar with marriage, we want to take time before taking up a greater responsibility as a parents, there’s no wrong or right to wait for a children. It is true when people say, “When you decided to wed, you have to be ready to become a parents”. We just have to aware that we are not young (30+ aaaaa). So wait a while, and hopefully all falls per plan. #Amen#

Now, I start having silly thought, should I become a working mom or stay-at-home mom. Being a SAHM seems to be an easy way out when you are stressed with work and darn traffic of JKT. But everybody knows, SAHM need sacrifice, loosing most of your social life and what I’m afraid most is loose all my confidence and sense of achievement. Being a mom itself is an achievement, don’t get me wrong. But being a SAHM, where 24/7 staying at home taking care of a baby can be overwhelming. In the other hands, of course we want our kids grows in the perfect situation, with full watch of their mom/dad (choose both if you have full financial liberty or support). I salute you.

I’m sad when I see some of the working-mom in my office or old offices. With the traffic in JKT, they need to leave their home at 6 AM, and do some overtime (especially when they have a lot of responsibility at office) and arrive home at 8 PM. The title of working-mom does not lessen their responsibility of a mom. It’s the same, they just need to compromise more and I know compromising for your children, is nothing easy. In my opinion, I salute you no less. In my point of view, SAHM is an option you can make (anyway you made that decision), while in many cases, being a working mom is resulted from lack of option (financial stability). Am not talking about being a working mom due to preference ya.  

Both ways, SAHM and working mom, you are a MOM. No one can challenge your decision. For me, I am now in between, but I think I am more towards a working mom, but striving to get a job that requires less working hour and less stress, but it is highly possible for me to become SAHM once I have 2 kids, it’s about the economic of scale! Haha.  The one I don’t want to become is a SAHM who has so low confidence that they have to “attack” working mom and brands working mom as an irresponsible mom that neglect their children, or even worst is so low confidence that she is not happy of her life.

But for now, I’m craving for two random things:

1.       Nasi Lawar Babi di Bali – one of the best-est dish I ever had in life!
2.       How to buy horse oil shampoo in Jakarta. Carry it from Japan is way too much!

Nasi lawar, dimana kauu?? Aku kangen sama kamuuuu…

Gejala sakit mental

Friday, January 24, 2014


Yesterday (friday) was such a great day to end the week until an unfortunate incident where my cellphone was stolen.

Its just me being naive to trust other people, everybody knows that trans jakarta is not safe with many pick pockets. Why am i so reckless, putting my cellphone in my pocket.

Well it has happened.

See this on the bright side, its probably time to shift from Samsung to iPhone. Thank you hubby to buy me one, til that day, your ipad is mine every single night. Muachh

So still something to be grateful of.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

happy ya ya ya happy ye ye ye

12 working days before long-awaited holiday! Yihaaaa.. muach muach, asek asek!

Setelah 5 tahun ga menyambangi Jepang, akhirnya kita ke Jepang jugak!! My God! #lebay#

Dulu, gw sempet bermimpi untuk one day ke Jepang lagi dan kali ini purely for leisure, bareng dengan suami atau temen2, pokoknya ga buat kerja, ga buat tinggal di apartement sendirian deh. Demi rencana mulia itu, gw maksa untuk keep uang yen sisa gaji dan berdoa kalau one day gw akan balik ke Jepang pake uang gaji jaman dulu.

Eh ternyata, setelah menunggu 4 tahun, gw akhirnya nyerah.. rencana ke jepang ga pernah kejadian. Sampe akhirnya gw jual semua Japanese Yen gw itu dengan harga yg murah ke temen kantor -_-

But good thing comes to those who wait, finally, gw pergi jugak! bareng sama suami yg juga sama semangatnya sama gw.

So, here we are. Ready, excited and somehow gw agak deg2an sangking happynya  demi menunggu hari dimana gw menginjak tanah di Tokyo lagi. Sebenernya sih, gw udah lupa apa rasanya tinggal di Tokyo. Gw uda ga pede juga untuk berkelana kemana-mana naik kereta disana. Bahkan gw mungkin uda keder untuk mesen makanan di restaurant pake gaya pantonim.

Tapi, rasanya sangat happy. Knowing that for this time, you come back to enjoy the most of Tokyo. Pertama kali gw menginjakkan kaki di Tokyo, I was afraid like hell! Bener-bener nekad dan saat itu, internet belom semarak seperti sekarang. Gw bahkan ga tau dengan jelas, cuaca, lokasi apartement, bahkan gw ga ada handphone dan laptop. Dan begonya ga sempet untuk cek bagaimana cara ke serviced apartement dari airport.

But then, I survived those and it has been a great journey.

So now. it's totally different. I arrived with my husband and with only 1 feeling, happy! no anxiety at all.

Keep you posted yah. hopefully can get some great pics to share. and wish for the smooth flight... I hate to fly!!!